The Muslim American Leadership Alliance is taking the jump towards the world of crypto and NFTs by launching their first non-fungible token collection. 

The collection will showcase the beauty of Islam as a religion by presenting the beautiful symbols that shape the religion, particularly those from Ramadan, which is one of the holy months for Muslims. 

The Muslim American Leadership Alliance is an organization that seeks to represent the needs and unique experiences of Muslims across America. In recent years, political polarization and xenophobic rhetoric have increased discrimination against Muslims. Many currently face physical abuse or verbal abuse, which takes a toll on their mental health. 

Discrimination against Muslims is not a trivial matter since how people perceive you affect how they behave around you. Being seen as inferior means you are granted fewer socio-economic opportunities, and over time, this disadvantage stacks. 

Muslim Americal Leadership Alliance seeks to break toxic narratives around Islam by educating people about the legacy that Muslim Americans have had over the country and the valuable insights into the modern world.

NFTs are a uniquely powerful opportunity to do so as they are very graphic, making the storytelling element even stronger. Furthermore, the project will breach attempts through traditional art and introduce the beauty of Islam to new audiences. 

The NFT collection is not only one that has a philanthropical purpose but also one where the technological beauty of non-fungible tokens shines. The collection can make sure that the deep history and culture of the Muslim people are preserved and will never be lost by making it a part of the metaverse. 

The NFT collection and the organization’s purpose do not just demand proper representation for Muslim Americans but also focus on equality across the globe. 

The collection and the rest of the organizations’ campaign will touch personal stories of triumph from Muslim-Americans, which showcase the need to stand up for what’s right and unite, no matter our ethnicity, gender identity, socio-economic status, or political affiliations. 

The funds from the collection will be trickling down to members of the community who need them most by providing assistance to refugee families, offering humanitarian aid to people in need, and scholarships to first-generation students. 

The MALA Board Director, Kalid Loul, says, “Philanthropy has been the heart and soul of my driving force. As an entrepreneur, I also see how the future of giving requires innovative ideas for some of the most challenging problems facing our world today.”