Parler, the controversial social media, claims to be reinventing the wheel by introducing their premium marketplace called DeepRedSky.
The opinion around Parler as a social media is somewhat polarizing. On the one hand, many consider it a “beacon of free speech,” which offers users to communicate and express their viewpoints without censorship. It rose to popularity after mainstream social media giants tightened their restrictions on hate speech and claims that potentially held misinformation.
As the announcement on Parler’s site claims, “Parler has a bold vision to make freedom of expression, security, and privacy a reality through social media and blockchain technology. Over 16 million users have chosen Parler as their social media platform to protect against the authoritarian powers of Big Tech, Big Government, and cancel culture. Parler uses the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution as a guide, making it possible for people to speak freely without fear of being suspended or labeled ‘dangerous’ and banned.”
Even though Parler may claim itself to be a “public town hall where everyone is welcome,” there have been some worrying rumors that the site has people with alt-right people who hold hateful and antisemitic views.
According to Parler’s announcement, the site will offer users a convenient and straightforward toolkit and allow them to connect with no restrictions from other businesses and the government meaningfully.
Parler also claims that the platform will feature celebrities from sports, media, politics, and even the arts who share their views, but official names have yet to be dropped.
George Farmer, Parler’s CEO, claims that “As promised, Parler is launching its inaugural NFT marketplace that will become the new standard in premium branded NFTs.”
This isn’t the first time that Parler has dipped their toes into the world of NFTs. Previously they had some success launching their own NFT collections and to many launching their platform is the natural step forward.
According to Parler, the DeepRedSky platform will be powered on the Solana blockchain and allow users to purchase and make transactions in any way they see fit.
Many exciting features such as packs and drops, auctions, instant buys, and others have been hinted at, but further details on how they will be implemented into the platform are yet to be revealed.